Are the women disappearing because something paranormal is going on or because someone is making them disappear? The author leaves it up to us to decide but throughout the stories in the collection there is an element of the unexplained, without any attempt made to actually explain it. There is a suggestion of paranormal activity in "Monte Verita". Much of the plot of "Kiss Me Again, Stranger" takes place in a cemetery, which is a classic gothic horror setting, linking present with paranormal activity. However, the other stories in the collection are also heavily weighted in the paranormal for example, "The Apple Tree" tells the story of a man who believes that the spirit of his wife is inhabiting an old, neglected tree in his yard.

There is something rather paranormal about a giant flock of birds who manage to organize themselves into an effective attacking force, yet this is the concept that the author presents to the reader in The Birds. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community.